Monday, October 12, 2009

Orlando Health Bigoted Leaders and National Equality March

Here is your weekly video documenting the movement to encourage Orlando Health to be more culturally competent.

Orlando Health - doing the minimum required under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, OPHS Office of Minority Health's National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care is not enough. Because this is what you teach your health care deliverers – I will continue to bring the voices of change.

You can compare Orlando Health's training material to the national standards here:

Orlando Health’s Cultural Competence in Healthcare Self-Learning Packet 2008:

Link to National Standards:

Notice how in Orlando Health's training packet they are focused on the 'liabilities' of not providing the bare minimum (the four culturally competent care federal requirements) instead of just coming out and saying it - The more they don't provide culturally competent care - THE MORE PATIENTS THEY KILL – AND IT’S OK TO KILL PATIENTS FOR WHOM ORLANDO HEALTH DOES NOT GET FEDERAL FUNDING. Also notice the truncated definition of cultural competence at the beginning of the packet. I'm not sure about you, but when I quote something - I QUOTE IT - I don't alter a quote!

And finally - notice how the term "sexual orientation" is never once mentioned in their packet, but the words "race" and "ethnicity" are mentioned many times. It appears to Orlando Health LGBT people are part of a non-existent culture in Central Florida. Hmm - that's interesting - SINCE WE ARE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN EVERYWHERE AND ARE BECOMING MORE VISIBLE THAN EVER AND MORE WILLING EVERYDAY TO SHARE OUR STORIES AND MAKE YOU LISTEN TO US!

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