Friday, January 1, 2010

Orlando Health Silences All Facebook Fans

I wanted to let you know that it appears Orlando Health has decided since they can't get away with discriminating on their Facebook fan page, they have blocked all fans from sharing any comments, be them supporting the status quo or critical of the organization.

In one sense this is good news, since it is not right for them to have been silencing some and not all. In another sense it is bad news, since they are doing as they have been this whole time - trying to suppress the truth about the organization - that Orlando Health is a great place to work for some people and an oppressive environment for others.

Many Orlando Health employees, patients and patient family members have reached out and contacted me since I have started sharing information on this blog. If I were Orlando Health, I'd do the right thing soon to avoid being dragged into a very public light for the discrimination and censorship they have pressured onto people - not just on Facebook, but every day in this top down business environment.

One thing you may be able to do still is add your thoughts to the Facebook discussion page Orlando Health opened on the waaaaay back pages of their Facebook group about domestic partner benefits (one of a number of problems addressed in the proposal that started all of this - the well reasoned proposal Orlando Health employees presented to 'leaders' that was ignored).

If you have been following the Facebook part of this story, you will know that Orlando Health decided to create the discussion page to address the domestic partner benefits part of this much bigger discussion. But regardless, they opened up a forum to discuss their own oppression. Take advantage of that. If you are fearful of being retaliated against, ask fellow employee Mike Cherry how he is being treated, since he openly provided critical feedback on this discussion page. If he can do it - so can you - or at least, you can encourage others from the community to stand up and add their voices.

As others have done, let me know what your concerns at Orlando Health are. You have my commitment to keep your identity strictly confidential, as I have done with everyone who has come to me in private to date.

Alan L. Bounville

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